Friday, June 26, 2009

templum ex obscurum water

templum ex obscurum water, originally uploaded by rafeejewell.

water levels

My good friend, Aoshi sent me an LM the other day... with the words... "you must see this..."

exploring templum ex obscurum

exploring virtual worlds

He was right. I had to see this. Templum ex Obscurum is one of those places that draws me back over and over again... I've been here 3 or 4 times... it's a place of glorious beauty... serene, mysterious and dark.

templum ex obscurum river

templum ex obscurum virtual wo...

I love this place and the way the builder created the water is mesmerizing. Walk slowly and absorb the colors and ambiance... very spiritual place.

templum ex obscurum

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

sean linden at SL6B : second life birthday

sean linden, originally uploaded by rafeejewell.

sean linden and homer simpson

Excitement everywhere on the grid in celebrating Second Life's six year anniversary. SL6B is the party and the events are everywhere.

gina stella : live music

Not just on the official sims, but the entire grid is celebrating Linden Lab's triumphant 6 years of sometimes shaky technology and stunning creations.

gina stella performance

All of us here are reminded that we are on the cusp of one of the most spiritual and cutting edge experiments ever done on the face of the earth.

gina stella and anek fuchs at ...

And to celebrate with friends from across the world is indeed an amazing result. Happy Birthday Second Life!

hase klaar at om festival

hase klaar at om festival, originally uploaded by rafeejewell.

om festival

We sat on the deck for hours pouring over our notes and IM's... seems we both work harder in virtual world more than in real life.

om festival party

When I saw the Electronic Informer's notice that an impromptu party was happening at the OM Festival, I hit the tp to chill out for a bit.

dj hase klaar at om festival

Hase Klaar was spinning a minimalist set... lots of bubbly, lots of tingly beats.

hase klaar fans

I saw The A List! celebrity, Xavi Bandler there, too. He is another awesome dj on the grid who spins minimalist, house and other sweet beats.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

dragon flying

dragon flying, originally uploaded by rafeejewell.

rafee, aoshi on wetlands

Aoshi stopped off at WETLands today to show off his new dragon avatar that he got at Grendel's Children. WOW!

aoshiscofields grendels chil...

dragon dance

With glowing wings and a fierce look we took off for a dragon ride around the sim. Then we went to the Aggro sim to check out the dragons there at Seawolf Monsters.

raftwet, aoshiscofield flying

dragon speed

aoshis dragon avatar

dragon avatars in virtual worl...

A beautiful place to fly around and I met several other dragon friends there. There's a store there, too for purchasing other dragon avatars. So cooool.

aoshi, raftwet at seawolf mons...

Raftwet Jewell, the first whitewater rafting avatar in the virtual world!
raftwet jewell in myspace
raftwet jewell in blogger
raftwet jewell in koinup
raftwet jewell's the a list! in blogger
raftwet jewell's the a list! in myspace