Tuesday, November 16, 2010

winterscape at boom pony

Boom Pony Music Club : Winterscape Mountains

winterscape at boom pony, originally uploaded by rafeejewell.

boom pony music club in winter

boom pony nestled in the mountains

The Boom Pony Music Club has been rawking it in with 80+ people showing up recently for Guitar Zane concert.

kiran sporg of Boom Pony Music Club

andi karsin of Boom Pony Music Club

boom pony music club stage

Today, Boom Pony is streaming a dual live concert with two popular guitarists, Guitar Zane and TwinGhost Ronas. Two powerful musical presence vibrating off the majestic snowy-capped mountains in the background.

zane guitar at boom pony

twinghost ronas at boom pony

raftwet at boom pony in "alafolie"

raftwet jewell at boom pony music club
A great open space in the outdoors, awesome musicians and friendly folks... it doesn't get much better than that! Thank you Kiran and Andi for an awesome place!

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

B&W Photography Gallery show : Pride & Diversity

B&W Photography on Castro region

B&W Photography Gallery show : Pride & Diversity, originally uploaded by rafeejewell.

Brady Rowell and Wesley Arbenlow have formed a partnership in a new art gallery featuring their photography.

Pride & Diversity : B&W Photo Collection

B&W Photography on Castro region

Well-done and reasonably priced, their photo work can be hired easily by contacting them directly.

brady rowell and wesley arbenlow

B&W Photography

Inside, the gallery, there is a rate sheet for weddings and personal photos. Go check out Brady and Wesley's gallery.

B&W Photography by Brady & Wesley

B&W Photography in Second Life

(Pssst... Brady did my wedding photos! and thanks to Mack for her referral on this great photographer!)

B&W Photography

Location: B&W Photography
Castro (238, 199, 40)

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