Sunday, July 25, 2010

raftwet jewell of WETLands Group

raftwet jewell is an avatar builder and networker in second life

raftwet jewell of WETLands Group, originally uploaded by rafeejewell.

raftwet jewell builder of WETLands and RiverLand

I built my first sky waterfall on Bisque in 2007. The build has 
morphed many times and I placed the current version on RiverLand.
raftwet jewell on RiverLand

raftwet building in second life
My inspiration was the sky waterfall at SL Botanical Gardens

The builder there has been my most favorite builder here in Second Life. 
Her region is one of the best on the grid.

second life builder raftwet jewell
My version is a bit psy and a nod to the incredible waterfalls that 

I have seen in real life. Only Mother Nature can create what I have 
seen and my pitiful attempts are just to pay homage to her.
Photo by raftwet jewell

raftwet jewell of WET Builders
I own WET Builders, WETLands Group, and both regions 

WETLands and RiverLand. As a builder, my focus 
is nature and water elements. Of course, this is Second Life, so I usually add a bit
of psy to the build, too.
riverland sky waterfall in second life 

riverland sky waterfall
All my lands on the mainland and the regions are open to the public. 

The only place that has barriers is my personal home. You are all 
welcome to everything else. Please enjoy!

Raftwet Jewell in Virtual Metaverse
raftwet jewell in blogger
raftwet jewell in facebook
raftwet jewell in twitter
the a list! in second life

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