Saturday, October 16, 2010

Philip Linden has been Upgraded!

Philip Linden has a new Look!

Philip Linden has been Upgraded!, originally uploaded by rafeejewell.

On the Second Life blog today, there was an announcement that Philip Linden had a new look.

Today, the new Philip Linden was revealed!

And, boy does he look babe-a-licious!

Second Life resident creator Mars Absent was the winning submission for the new look for Phil's avatar.

Just in time for the opening of the new BURN2 under the reign of our resident dreamer and originator, Philip Linden aka Philip Rosedale. He is the reason why I came to this mad, mad world called Second Life.
Congrats Mars, the dude, looks hawt!

Note: Mars Absent creations can be found at The Abyss and SL Marketplace.
Screenshot taken from Second Life website by raftwet jewell and uploaded to flickr.

Avatar Philip Linden (old) and Philip Rosedale images from Google Images.

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