Monday, December 21, 2009

rhoyks qork at room 55

rhoyks qork at room 55

rhoyks qork at room 55, originally uploaded by rafeejewell.

rhoyks qork at extralab

party at extralab

extralab sim party at room 55

big up to Luci

thank you for tp!

rhoyks qork stirring up the mash.

pretty pretty extralab sim

gorrrrr-jus mountains!

outdoors and totally a wet lifestyle!


raftwet at room 55 on extralab

raftwet at dj rhoyks qork party room 55

rafee at room 55 on extralab

Raftwet Jewell, the first whitewater rafting avatar in the virtual world!

raftwet jewell in myspace
raftwet jewell in blogger
raftwet jewell in koinup
raftwet jewell's the a list! in blogger
raftwet jewell's the a list! in myspace

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