Sunday, January 17, 2010

RAFTWET Jewell Videos

My wrist is killing me and the thumb feels just as bad. Oh, it's the old carpal tunnel syndrome back to bug me again. Those of you who work on computers know what I mean. Builders in the virtual world, photo junkies, bloggers and video makers suffer the worst. We are always dropping, dragging and cutting and pasting stuff on our desktop. And, that puts a lot of pressure on the wrist and thumb.

Typing doesn't seem to hurt though so I thought I would let you all know that I have been making little videos using all my photos that I have collected these past three years. (I never could figure out the machinima stuff on my hardware system... so I leave that to you experts.) The photos are not quite an animation, but it does feel nice to watch while listening to music, too.

This first attempt shows this past Saturday night, January 16, 2010. We danced at Erotic City and listened to dj Sneaky Krugman, then over to Dance4Life for dj DDirty Adamczyk, then off to live music set for Trav McCullough and Clarice Karu, then to The Musician's Lair for Noma Falta and then back to the outdoor ballroom on WETLands.

... hope you enjoy them! Muaahhh, hugz/kizz to all!

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